Legal Blog & Articles

Who’s burden is it?

Who's burden is it? Under federal law in the Third Circuit, if a party to civil litigation moves to quash a third-party subpoena, it is the moving party’s burden to demonstrate that the subpoena is burdensome and unreasonable. In Re Lazaridis, 865 F. Supp 2d 521 (D.NJ...

New Rules for Office Reopening

New Jersey COVID Executive Order 243 - New Rules for Office Reopening and Remote Work in new Jersey. Governor Murphy just issued Executive Order 243. It significantly lessens the restrictions on New Jersey employers previously implemented through Executive Order 107...

Contract drafting is much like a game of chess. 

In closely owned corporations or limited liability companies, it is imperative that the parties think through from the beginning of their relationship.  Parties should provide in their shareholders' agreement, or in their operating agreement what will happen if...

New Jersey Courts Will Remain Closed Update

New Jersey Courts will remain closed to most in-person proceedings through June 2021.  At that time the matter will be reevaluated.  In New York, Judges and court staff have been ordered to return to courthouses in late May. The Superior Court of New Jersey website...

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